Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Is a Literary Agent and How to Become One

What Is a Literary Agent and How to Become OneWhat Is a Literary Agent and How to Become OneWhen most people hear the term agent, they immediately think of Hollywood. Agents are known for representing actors. They are thewheeler-dealerswho live in L.A. and negotiate good deals for their clients in Beverly Hills. What probably comes to mind is Ari Gold, the upbeat, aggressive agent (played by Jeremy Piven) on the HBO smash hit Entourage. Well, agents dont only represent actors. Agents represent a whole host of creative types, including writers. In the book publishing world literary agents, much like agents in Hollywood, sell proposals, but literary agents sell proposals to book editors, notstudio heads. Literary agents find literary talent and then package that talent because most authors cant get a book deal without a literary agent. In other words, a writer needs representation. How Do You Become a Literary Agent? Everyones heard tales about Hollywood moguls who started in the mailroom at William Morris. Well, thankfully, you dont need to work in the mail room if you want to be a book agent, but you need to start somewhere, and often, that somewhere is in the role of assistant at a literary agency. (For this scenario think Ryan Reynolds in the blockbuster hit The Proposal.) Most of the literary agencies are in New York City, although there are some elsewhere in the country in particular, there a few in San Francisco. Also, at ICM and William Morris, which are the two biggest talent agencies, there are some literary agents based in Los Angeles. Where Does an Agent Work? For the most part, literary agents work at talent agencies. There are bigger and smaller agencies and some agents, after years of experience, become entrepreneurial and go off and start their own agencies. Whether you work at a large agency, a small one or are hankering to start your own agency, in terms of geography, most agents end up working in Manhattan. Thats because the major pub lishers are in New York City and, to do the job you need direct access to the editors at the big houses. Exactly What Do They Do? In some respects, agents act as a line of defense for editors. They read manuscripts and then sign authors who they believe can sell books. Agents get a percentage of the money made in the sale of a book - what is called the advance in industry terms - and therefore it behooves them to sign authors that they think will be of interest to the general public. In this respect, an agent needs to get a pulse on what the public wants. Agents must also have a good understanding of the publishing business. They need to know the right people at the right houses to make deals as well as an understanding of the individual houses and the kinds of books they publish. That said, for works that attract multiple editors, auctions are often arranged allowing many editors to bid on a manuscript. Auctions, by the way, often result in higher advances.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Learn How to Get Into Vet School

Learn How to Get Into Vet SchoolLearn How to Get Into Vet SchoolThere are only 30 veterinary schools accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association in the U.S. and admissions are highly competitive. Getting into vet school certainly isnt easy, but you can greatly increase your chances of acceptance by achieving good grades, gaining varied experience, and carefully crafting your application package. Applying with a 4.0-grade point average is every applicants goal, but it often doesnt end up being the reality. Dont give up if you dont have a perfect average. Generally, most schools look for at least a 3.0-grade point average straight As are not mandatory. Many students can get in with a grade point average in the 3.5 to 3.9 range if they have a combination of great practical experience and solid recommendations. Holding positions of leadership in college organizations is also a big plus for your application. Gain Varied Animal Experience Gaining varied animal experience is critical. You need to be able to document as many hours of experience as possible working in both large and small animal veterinary clinics. You will likely start out doing very basic work as a kennel assistant and work your way up to assisting with procedures and treatments as a veterinary assistant. Also be sure to document additional experience working or volunteering at zoos, stables, wildlife rescues, and animal shelters. Dont overlook improving your communication and leadership skills. You want to be as well rounded as possible. You can take courses to better your skills as well as get involved in extracurricular activities. You can take courses in public speaking, run a committee or get involved in leadership positions in your local community. Get Recommendation Letters Your college professors and employers will be the ones you ask for recommendations on your vet school application, so it is important to build solid relationships with them. You will typically need thre e letters of recommendation to include with your vet school application. You can let those writing the recommendation letters what areas youd like them to emphasize, such as animal handling experience, leadership roles, or communication skills. One of these letters should be from a veterinarian that you have worked for, another should be from a science professor, and the third could be from an employer or an additional veterinary contact. Be sure to ask for the letter early to give the writer plenty of time to accommodate your request. The Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS), which houses the erreichbar application process, only accepts electronically submitted recommendation letters through their Evaluation Portal.Its important to check with the school youre applying to, for the proper method of submitting your letters. Include a Personal Statement You will also need to include a personal statement on your application. Put some serious thought into this state ment. It is your one chance to personalize your application and give the acceptance committee a feel for who you are and what you might bring to the veterinary profession. Explain your interest in veterinary medicine and what you have done to prepare yourself for this career. Study for the Exam You will need to take the Graduate Record Exam or GRE. There are many GRE prep books with a CD-ROM if you study well on your own, or take a classroom preparation course. Some schools require the Biology GRE in addition to the general GRE. Make sure you have your scores sent to your chosen schools in a timely fashion. Apply to an In-State School When sending in an application, make sure to apply to your state school provided theres a veterinary program in your state. Some states without vet schools have agreements with neighboring states to accept a certain number of students. Your best chance of acceptance will be at an in-state school. Also, be sure to carefully read up on each schoo ls prerequisites to be sure that you meet all the requirements for acceptance. Most schools have similar requirements, but you dont want to be turned away on a technicality. You dont have to be a pre-vet major to get into vet school, but a majority of applicants have a major in a science related field. Science majors generally take most or all of the prerequisite courses as a part of their program. Many U.S. veterinary colleges accept a centralized application from the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS). This application is available online and is typically due by September 17th. During the application process, you may be selected for an interview at one or more of your potential schools. Be sure to prepare for this, as you may be subjected to a variety of interview styles. If you dont get in on the first try, dont give up. You can always consider pursuing further education (such as a masters degree), getting licensed as a veterinary technician, or adding more ve terinary work experience to your resume before applying again. Get in touch with the schools that turned you down and ask for feedback on what could make you a more attractive candidate in the future.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Age Discrimination Isnt About Age

Age Discrimination Isnt About Age Age Discrimination Isnt About Age If youre over 40, its natural to worry about age discrimination after all, thats the age at which you start to be protected against discrimination by Federal law and even if you dont look your age, you might be starting to feel it now and then. (Maybe youve noticed you cant stay up as late as you used to, or maybe you caught yourself making that noise your dad makes when he up from the chair) So youre feeling a bit older than youd like and now you have to look for a job.The good news is that age discrimination isnt about age. Its about all the things that people associate with growing older. Like getting slower. Being less healthy than a younger person. Falling behind the latest technology advancements. Its usually not that Manager X doesnt want any 50 year-olds in his company its abut the fact that Manager X has a bunch of stereotypes in his head about what being 50 means and its those stereotypes he wants to avoi d.Once you understand this, there are all kinds of things you can do to ensure that age isnt an issue on your resume.My Tips for Minimizing Age DiscriminationThink they might worry youre behind the times technologically? Show them that youre not. Include URLs to social networking profiles such as LinkedIn and Twitter. Set up a personal website using a tool like or Visual CV and then add the URL to your resume.When it comes to fighting the perception of ill health or lack of energy, I recommend adding any hobbies that are sports-related or require high energy. For example, one former client included his experience running marathons and riding in long bicycle races. Another included yoga as a hobby.Finally, consider leaving older experience off your resume to prevent people from guessing your age. For example, you might want to omit jobs that go back more than 10 years.Note If this experience is important to your ausverkauf message maybe because it directly relates to wha t you want to do next or includes a banner name company in your industry you dont have to eliminate it. Instead start a new section of your resume called early experience and simply omit dates of employment in this section. (By starting the new section, you give yourself permission to change the format in this way.)None of these techniques will change your age but all of them will change the all-important perception of your age and that is all you need to do.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

6 Skills You Need to Move Up to Payroll Management

6 Skills You Need to Move Up to Payroll Management6 Skills You Need to Move Up to Payroll ManagementInterested in moving up to payroll management? Theres been no better time. Payroll managers are in high demand, and employers are offering attractive compensation to secure top talent.Still, advancing to a managerial role can be a big step. Most companies will want to landsee at least five years of working in payroll, along with a relevant bachelors degree. For candidates without four years of college, employers often accept equivalent experience. This often translates as a longer work history, especially in a supervisory role. Many payroll managers also have a certification, such as the Certified Payroll Professional (CPP), but its not always required.Is that all? Well, even in a hot hiring market, youll need to do more than meet minimum requirements. Competition for the better jobs can always be tough. And when hiring for a leadership sttte, employers look for gold. Here are six skil ls to develop that will help you stand out from the crowd and land the payroll management position you want.1. Payroll systems experienceEmployers expect senior payroll professionals to know their way around common payroll platforms such as ADP Workforce Now, Kronos and Workday. But experience means more than just data entry and basic navigation. Really get to know your systems more advanced features, such as customizing portals, setting up access and permissions, changing workflow events and creating custom templates.2. Other technical expertiseDeveloping your hard skills is always a good career move, no matter your position or industry. For payroll managers, that means hands-on experience with general accounting software and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, such as SAP, Netsuite and Oracle proficiency with Microsoft Office and Google Drive is also expected. To really get ahead in your field, stay current on the latest in payroll technology, including process automation and the rise of artificial intelligence.Not sure where to start? Register for vendor-sponsored courses and work through online tutorials. Ask your supervisor for cross-training, or for permission to job shadow a senior payroll professional. Youll learn a lot, and by asking for professional development and on-the-job training, youll show senior managers your initiative and desire to learn.3. Business acumenYou have to have some level of expertise to advance your payroll career, of course, but try to take time to become a generalist as well as a specialist. What does this mean? Thanks to ERPs and a trend toward cross-departmental collaboration, the line between payroll and other functions is blurring. So learn what you can about human resources, accounting and data analysis. The more you understand how a complex business operates, the better situated youll be to take the helm as a manager.4. befolgung knowledgePayroll systems continually update their software to reflect legislative ch anges to taxes, medical benefits and other matters that fall under payrolls purview. However, humans specifically, payroll managers are ultimately responsible for making sure a company remains compliant with myriad local, state and federal requirements. To stay current, subscribe to payroll newsletters and compliance-related blogs then make it part of your work schedule to read them. Webinars sponsored by professional organizations are also an excellent source.5. Leadership qualitiesIts the age-old conundrum To get a job as a payroll manager, hiring managers typically want supervisory experience. But how do you get that when youre not yet in management? For one, you could hone your leadership skills by asking for assignments that will put you in charge of a project or team. Also, look outside the workplace for leadership opportunities, even as a volunteer (professional associations are excellent training grounds, and they offer valuable networking opportunities). Career developme nt courses and guidance from a mentor can also give valuable insight into the qualities of leadership.6. Excellent soft skillsEffective payroll managers know how to deal with a range of people - their team, other directors, company employees, board members, vendors and government functionaries. As you sharpen your hard skills and burnish your credentials, give as much attention to your interpersonal skills. Polished written and verbal communication, customer service and conflict entschlieung skills, for example, are all essential for managing people and their expectations. Managers also possess self-initiative, outstanding time management skills and similar qualities to handle their heavy work load.Rewards of payroll management rolesBuilding your skill set takes time and hard work, but its worth it. For one thing, salaries go up as you get into management. The 2019 Salary Guide for Accounting and Finance Professionals reveals that payroll managers can expect a starting salary of $7 2,750 per year. That can vary by industry and location. Use our Salary Calculator to find out what payroll manager salaries are offered in your city.When you make yourself an authority on payroll processes and show your ability to lead effectively, you raise your profile and make yourself indispensable. Thats the gold employers look for.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About References for a Resume and How It Can Affect You

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About References for a Resume and How It Can Affect You The References for a Resume Trap Some realities References later Many companies will merely approach references if theyre interested in you. Additionally, there are links to other sites which serve as great references for certain forms of writing and other writing related homepages. The variety of references you should provide is dependent on your profession. As soon as youve selected your references, make sure theyre well-prepared to assist you. There are alternatives also. Different types of reference There are a range of different sorts of reference or referee which may be sought (so ensure you receive the appropriate ones). Organizing a resume and utilizing good wording for optimum effect. Its also advisable to state the length of time you have known the reference. You might even be worried about the sort of reference youll receive. It is helpful to supply an academic refe rence if youre able to. Under the references contact info, indicate what kind of reference he is and your relationship. Using References for a Resume The ideal time to try to find a job is when youve got work, but it doesnt indicate that its simple to look for work during the time that youre employed. If you are searching for work, then youll need references. If youre asking for a great deal of jobs you dont have to allow them to know about each application. The most essential parte of obtaining a job is having the ability to sell yourself to an employer. References can be a really strong tool in your job search. Also guarantee that the publications and presentations you decide to display on your resume are related to the job which you are trying to get. Instead, make a distinct reference sheet you are able to bring to your job interview. The Appeal of References for a Resume In the same way, in the instance of awful exam results or gaps in employment, it would be wise to offer less coverage or to attempt to offer a positive slant. The References section on your CV is a very important part which cannot be entirely omitted. Dont forget that your resume is your very first line of defense in regards to landing your ideal job. Nonetheless, if you would prefer not to use a referee from an earlier job, be ready to explain why. You would rather not include things like an email address with a typo or a telephone number thats missing a digit. Use the exact same heading at the surface of your references page as you use at the very top of your resume. If it is not specified, the normal number is two. The variety of references you list is dependent upon your career level. Referee A referee is someone who might well provide a reference. Listing a person for a reference without permission could be harmful to your job application. When an employer doesnt ask by the conclusion of the interview, you should ask them if theyd like reference details. Also, sh are with them a copy of the resume youre submitting so they can be on precisely the same page if and as soon as the hiring manager calls them up. For the self-employed finding references for a resume when wanting to move into employment can be hard particularly if you have been self employed for a lengthy period of time. Character references can show youre the sort of person employers want to get.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Unknown Details Regarding Writing Reference Page for Job Resume That Some People Arent Aware Of

The Unknown Details Regarding Writing Reference Page for Job Resume That Some People Arent Aware Of The One Thing to Do for Writing Reference Page for Job Resume If youd like someone to be an excellent reference, youve got to act as a mensch, Kay states. Remember your direct manager makes a more powerful reference than your peers. Some businesses wont contact any of your references and some can only get in touch with a select number. Following your interview, your references could be a fundamental component on whether you get a job offer from a business. They are your personal evangeliststhey should know you very well and be able to speak about your qualifications for the job youre pursuing. Its quite acceptable to include references aside from your prior employers. The Characteristics of Writing Reference Page for Job Resume Ask each reference if theres any information they dont want listedthis will help safeguard your contacts private info, Nolan states. Evaluate infor mation you make it through reference checks regarding your position. If it is not clear from your resume, you could also desire to include details about your relationship with the reference. Just be certain it has all the ideal contact information for all your references. Although some employers might ask you to submit resume references as a piece of the application procedure, others might ask after a telephone screening, face-to-face interview or before the last step in the hiring process. Writing and including a reference sheet with your resume is one method to show which you are fully prepared and prepared to put in the work force. Choosing who to request a reference is a significant step in your application approach. Its imperative that you keep up a strong personal relationship with anyone who you want to be your reference, especially since they could hold the key to your upcoming job opportunities. If an expected reference says they cannot comfortably give you a refer ence or even should they hesitate in responding to your request, then abflug looking for another person. Youll also discover a sample reference list. The sample reference page provided here can readily be adapted to satisfy your requirements. Theres no correct or wrong method to make your reference list. When youre asked for references, you may strategically select the best people to represent what you would like highlighted for the opportunity, she states. The last thing anyone needs is work that isnt a very good fit, he states. For instance, if youre going into the work market for the very first time, you might just should list three references. Even when you have enjoyed good working relationships with your references, youll never be able to be completely certain they wont say something which might damage your odds of getting work.