Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Satire In The Workplace [From Dilbert to Sarah Cooper]

Satire In The Workplace [From Dilbert to Sarah Cooper] Sometimes youve got to laugh. When you take a step back and realize how much this stuff really doesnt matter.  Well be dead at the end anyway.  So why does  everyone have to get so wrapped up in things?  Why is everyone trying so hard to look good?  Does it really matter that much? I think that is why you find Millennials (and retiring Boomers) checking out alternative work scenarios.  Recognizing that all work and no play (or dull work, stressful work, work with strings attached) really is a recipe for an early death (or you wish you were dead). So lighten up a little.  Have a little fun. Share a little joy.  Dont make things so unbearable by thinking that the only solution is perfection.  People are not and never will be perfect.  We dont all get to hire only A players on our team.  So yes, things will go wrong.  Projects will not align with the perfect (this task takes 37 minutes to complete) timeline.  People get sick, get bogged down, get distracted by others fire drills.  You name it. So recognize that and move on. So that is what I was thinking as I came across this Medium post and video about Sarah  Cooper (I was thinking Sarah Silvermanis comedy a Sarah Thing???)  She worked at the Google God.  Part of the self-important crowd.  Where everyone is trying to outdo each other. She took a slightly different approach.  She realized the absurdity of it all and found a way to have fun while letting others think she was incredibly important.  Check out both the video and post below.  I think youll get a good chuckle out of them and see plenty of parallels in your work life. 10 Tricks to Appear Smart During Meetings Are you tired of running on the treadmill?  Before you chuck it all and buy a food truck, contact me.  Like Sarah  I can give you an outside view of your situation and help you separate fact from fictionto get you on the right track.

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